Whether you’ve been waiting for this moment or it took you completely by surprise, it’s a huge milestone and one to be celebrated!
Being plugged into the whirlwind of engagement can be just as anxiety-enduring as it is exciting. Where do you start? What do you do first? Do you need to book things right away? There’s a lot to take on board and this can often be overwhelming. But newly engaged doesn’t mean you need to dive feet first into planning.
Sit back, relax and enjoy being a fiancé for a moment!
If you want to get started right away and dive in feet first, we’ve put together our top 6 things to get started on as soon as you get engaged.
Make a list of invitees
One of the first things everyone thinks of once they’re engaged is who they’re going to invite. This is the fun part – sit down and write a list of who you would like to invite ideally and ask your partner to do the same. This will give you an indication on the size that your wedding will be if you had everyone on your list in attendance.
Once you’ve made your list, you can scale it back to make the wedding size smaller or move people to evening guests. The number of guests will have an impact on the overall cost of the wedding and your budget may dictate this. The important thing is to make sure you and your partner agree on the number of guests you would like to invite, discuss whether you would like a large and lavish, or smaller and intimate wedding. The size of your wedding will also determine which venues can seat your number of guests.
Set up your Pinterest board
This may be the most exciting part (second to getting engaged, of course…)! Set yourself up a Pinterest board, or multiple and categorise your inspiration.
Pinterest is a great place to find the designs you love for all aspects of your wedding, whether its styles of photos for your future photographer, colour schemes, invitations or bridesmaid dresses. Pinterest is the goldmine of wedding culture. It can present ideas beyond your wildest imagination but can also be a bit overwhelming!
Pinterest boards can be made secret or shared with a contributor such as your partner, sister, best friend or mum. You can also pin things to your board from websites and other internet sources, which makes Pinterest a great tool to gather all your ideas in one place.
Fancy some ultra-cool wedding inspo for every type of wedding? Follow our page!
Buy yourself a planner
You may decide to use an online planner, or you may prefer to have things physically wrote down, but whatever your choice, you will need to make sure you have somewhere to keep things organised.
Etsy and amazon can both be great places to find a wide range of digital and paper planners. These will have different sections, including guest list, budget, timeline tracker and pretty much anything else you can think of that you might need. It’s a great place to store all your receipts and any wedding-related business cards you may pick up along the way!
Insure your ring
This might not be the most exciting thing to do, but this one should be high on your list. Your ring with undoubtedly be priceless, whether it’s a family heirloom or a new sparkling ring chosen especially for you.
The sentimental value that is attached to your ring is much higher than any price tag, so before you rush out and rightly start to show it off, add it on your house insurance. There are multiple ways this can be done; you can add it on to your home-cover or insure it as a separate entity.
Enjoy being engaged
Take a moment to step back and enjoy the feeling of being newly engaged! This huge moment may take a while to sink in and make sure you enjoy that surreal feeling.
There may be people you would like to tell in person over the coming weeks, and this will be newly exciting every time you tell someone new! Take this time to embrace the feeling and relax into your new status of fiancé.
You may feel pressure to start planning right away, but in reality, a few weeks isn’t going to make much difference. Enjoy your new fiancé status and take some time to be newly engaged together.
Download our wedding planning guide
Download our free wedding planning guide that will tell you everything you need to know!
This guide is perfect for you if you're newly engaged and starting to feel overwhelmed at the prospect of planning your big day. It will help you kick-start your wedding planning and arm you with everything you need to know.
Our free wedding guide includes: Wedding party roles and responsibilities Planning your ceremony Choosing your rings The order of the day On the day traditions and what they mean Putting together your table plan Keeping children happy
BONUS CONTENT: Our top tips for choosing the best wedding suppliers
These top 6 things to do after you get engaged will get the excitement flowing even more but keep the pressure relaxed around the wedding planning. Remember, there is no expectation to get started right away, but by ticking off these 6 things, you’ll feel in control and like you’re on your way!
It can be an overwhelming position to find yourself in, but by taking things one at a time and at your pace you can ensure the whole experience will be magical. If you feel like you need more help, contact our team and we'd love to work with you to plan your special day.